This are two best apps that u can u use to improve your web development skills
1. SoloLearn
One of the best Android apps for you can learn Web development for beginners that teaches basic of coding at free of cost. This free learning app is one of the fastest growing community at the global level for coders. With SoloLearn, you can learn HTM, CSS, JAVASCRIPT PHP, and other programming languages like C# C++ and cover more than 2000 topics. From beginner to professional, this app is available at playstore and applestore the app free.
Introduction to HTMLfor beginner
With this app, you can first learn Web development concepts first and then test your coding skills by trying millions interactive quizzes. Also, you can discuss your problems at the forum and at the same time, help other members. One of the most exciting feature of this app is that it allows you to challenge other learners for testing the you skills making it one of the best Android apps for coding and it’s ranks you base on your performance. U can download this app on playstore sigh in with your Gmail adress or Facebook account.
2.visual code mobile
This is a free app u can use it to write html code build Unlimited Websites with Visual Code Mobile,
Introduction to HTMLfor beginner
and it can automatic complete tags , close brackets automatically, Auto Complete Text, Auto Save Files, it Re-Arrange Html, Css & Js Codes Prettier Library ,Preview available in Mobile Mode, Tab Mode & Desktop Mode.u can download free website template, this app is available at playstore and apple store it a free app.
IIntroduction to HTMLfor beginner link 👉👇
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